You have questions ?
You can reach our team of experts by telephone Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will be able to help you choose the right product for you.
Adultes et enfants (12 ans et plus) 5-10 gouttes 1-3 fois par jour dans un peu d’eau ou non-diluées ou selon les directives d’un praticien en soins de santé.
Arsenicum album D8 1 g, Belladonna D30 1 g, Bryonia D12 1 g, Carbo vegetabilis D30 1 g, Kalium phosphoricum D30 1 g, Natrium chloratum D30 1 g, Natrium sulfuricum D200 1 g, Sus scrofa (glande hypophyse) D30 1 g, Veratrum album D30 1 g, Yerba santa D12 1 g. Ingrédients non-médicinaux : éthanol, eau purifiée.
You have questions ?
You can reach our team of experts by telephone Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will be able to help you choose the right product for you.