You feel like you blame yourself a lot, you feel like what happens to others is often your fault. [TABS] Description Bach Pine flower comes from Scots pine, a species...
You have a lot of responsibilities and you feel overwhelmed, you take on more work than you can handle. [TABS] Description The Bach Elm flower is a bright color, in...
Blend of 5 Bach flowers to let go on a daily basis [TABS] Description Developed in 1936 by Edward Bach, the Rescue ® mixture is composed of 5 Bach ®...
For those who have an attitude of doubt, pessimism, discouragement. [TABS] Description Gentian promotes the return of optimism. A small herbaceous plant, the bitter or autumnal gentian flowers at the...
For those who repeat the same mistakes. [TABS] Description Dr. Bach used the horse chestnut tree twice to develop remedies, one of which was by selecting leaf buds, a singularity,...
For the shy people who don't dare, don't know how to say no, let themselves be dominated. [TABS] Description Centaurea improves self-assertion, helps to follow one's own path. The small...
For those who are absent, dreamers, distracted, in the moonlight. [TABS] Description The hedge clematis is a wild and common vine which launches its stems towards bushes and hedges to...
You feel like you're worrying so much that you no longer dare to do anything; you often wake up in the middle of the night because of an unpleasant dream....
Remedy for the undecided [TABS] Description Wild oat is the remedy for people who feel they want to do something worthwhile with their lives but don't know which direction to...
Pour ceux qui ont tendances à être excesif(ve), à vouloir toujours repousser les limites. La Verveine officinale, plante des talus et des bords de chemin, affiche une allure modeste. Avec...
For those who are irresolute, who have ideas going around in circles in their heads without finding a solution. [TABS] Description Well acclimatized in parks and gardens, the horse chestnut...
For those who are indecisive, changeable moods. [TABS] Description Gnavelle helps with balance and resolution. Encourages decisiveness. Annual gnavelle is a tiny wild plant with tangled stems that appear to...
For the one who only talks about himself, doesn't listen, hates being alone, and is a little too egocentric. [TABS] Description For the one who only talks about himself, doesn't...
For those who have a selfish, possessive attitude. Promotes generous behavior. [TABS] Description Chicory promotes true generosity of the heart. There wild chicory is a perennial plant with flowers sensitive to sunlight,...
For those who do not dare to have personal opinions, are easily influenced or manipulated. [TABS] Description For those who do not dare to have personal opinions, are easily influenced...
For those who have a critical, intolerant attitude. [TABS] Description Beech helps with tolerance and kindness. The beech with its slender silhouette raises its straight trunk with smooth silver-gray bark...
You are sometimes dissatisfied with your appearance, you want to accept your body [TABS] Description The Crab apple flower, also called Mulus Pumila or wild apple flower in French. It...
For a feeling of inner joy resulting in a good mood in society You hide your true feelings behind a facade, you do not like conflicts and seek to avoid...
You feel like everything that happens to you is unfair, you mumble when you're not satisfied [TABS] Description The Bach Willow flower comes from the willow, a tree that is...
You feel like you doubt your success, you feel like nothing can help you [TABS] Description We find the Bach Gorse flower on gorse, shrubs which grow throughout Europe, but...