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161 Produits trouvés

Abies alba

For decalcifying infections, rickets, caries, fractures, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, mental exhaustion and porous bone. [TABS] Description Gemmotherapy uses extracts from fresh buds, young shoots, rootlets or sap of developing plants, where...

Acer campestre

For conditions such as anticipatory anxiety, arteriosclerosis, and herpes outbreaks. [TABS] Description Gemmotherapy uses extracts from fresh buds, young shoots, rootlets or sap of developing plants, where the vital essence...

Acidum phosphoricum Plex

Hyperactivity, mental fatigue [TABS] Description Acidum phosphoricum Plex provides a homeopathic synergistic formulation to specifically help restore calm, support nervous system balance and anxiety. Studies show that imbalances in the...

Aesculus Hippocastanum

Indicated for conditions such as hemorrhoids, poor venous circulation and eczema [TABS] Description Gemmotherapy uses extracts from fresh buds, young shoots, rootlets or sap of developing plants, where the vital...

Allium Cepa Plex

For allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion [TABS] Description Plex remedies are condition-specific homeopathic specialties prepared in low potencies and are recommended for both acute and chronic conditions. The product line helps...

Alnus Glutinosa

Articular rheumatism, infection [TABS] Description Allium cepa has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms related to allergic rhinitis and common colds such as secretion of tears, sneezing, rhinorrhea...

Amplopsis Veitchii

Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis [TABS] Description Indicated for conditions such as non-conjunctivitis and fascia inflammatory irritations, as well as chronic rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Dupuytren's disease, ankylosing spondylitis and cartilage regeneration. Stimulates...

Angiplex (30 unidoses)

Indicated for acute stages of sore throat, strep throat, tonsillitis and laryngitis [TABS] Description Angiplex contains synergistic homeopathic ingredients, specially formulated to relieve symptoms associated with sore throats and swollen...

Anti-Wart Drops

For warts, pruritus, dietary kidney and liver disease, dry skin, parasitic and fungal infections [TABS] Description Wart Remover Drops provides a unique preparation of homeopathic remedies formulated for their exceptional...

Betula Pendula (Bud)

Osteomyelitis, heart disease [TABS] Description Indicated in conditions related to the liver and kidneys, adolescent nasopharyngitis, demineralization in children and adolescents, nervous system exhaustion, benign breast cysts, bone breaks or...

Betula Pendula (SAP)

For arthritis and gout [TABS] Description Anti-arthritic remedy that can be used in spring and fall, with excellent results. Blood uric acid levels can be reduced by 50% within two...

Betula Pubescens

Used to detoxify the liver. Indicated as a remedy for conditions such as osteoarthritis and arteriosclerosis [TABS] Description The downy birch bud is a central drainer for a number of...

Calcarea Carbonica 6x

Promotes calcium metabolism. Used to rebalance calcium levels and restore insufficient calcium metabolism [TABS] Description This salt is indicated to promote the rapid development of bones and teeth; for joint...

Calcarea Fluorica 6x

Homeopathic remedy, bone decay, lumbago [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as bone caries, deficient tooth enamel, hyperlaxity of ligaments, uterine fibroids, prolapsed organs, varicose veins and...

Calcarea Sulfurica 6x

Sinusitis, skin disorders [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as sinusitis, skin disorders, exudative abscesses, superficial burns of the skin and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Calcarea...

Calcium phosphoricum 6x

Calcium deficiency, leucorrhoea [TABS] Description This salt is indicated in conditions such as deficient calcium assimilation, chronic infections of the mucous membranes, ulcerations and fractures of bones and sphincters, bladder...

Carduus plex

Indicated for liver / gallbladder dysfunctions [TABS] Description Carduus Plex is indicated in all conditions associated with abnormal cholesterol metabolism; hepatobiliary dysfunctions associated with pain such as gallstones and hepatitis,...

Castanea Vesca

Indicated for spasmodic and congestive difficulties, lymphatic circulation, congestion, vein disorders [TABS] Description Indicated for spasmodic and congestive difficulties, lymphatic circulation, congestion, vein disorders. Dosage Adults and children over 12:...

Cedrus Libani

Remedy for dry and dehydrated skin suffering from dry eczema, psoriasis and scleroderma [TABS] Description This remedy is indicated for dry eczema (ichthyosis), pruritus, chronic dermatitis, psoriasis and respiratory and...

Chelidonium plex

Detox. Stimulates the organs of elimination [TABS] Description Chelidonium Plex is indicated for all conditions that are associated with liver dysfunction including fatty degeneration, high cholesterol, constipation, heavy metal toxicity...

Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
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